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Upcoming works to a mature sycamore tree opposite 50 High Street


West Sussex County Council (WSCC) recently dealt with an enquiry which lead to a tree inspection in Findon. The outcome was that fairly extensive works were deemed necessary to the tree in question.

The tree is under the ownership of West Sussex Highways, and whilst is not protected, it is quite prominent in its locale.

The tree is a Mature Sycamore located on the grass verge opposite 50 High Street, Findon. The tree is a lapsed pollard, having previously been subject to a regular pruning regime.

The tree has decay pockets at the previous pruning points and a couple of the main scaffold limbs on the Eastern side have bark necrosis and signs of a decay fungi.

The works WSCC are going to carry out are to Re Pollard the tree back to the historic points; this will mean the removal of approximately 8 – 10 metres of branch length.

This work will remove the risk of any major limbs breaking out, and will retain the trees in a smaller squat form, with a reduced sail area.

Following the works, WSCC propose continuing the form of pruning regime on an 6 to 10 year cycle, as required.

The tree work is scheduled for Tuesday 16 April 2024.

Fiona MacLeod
Clerk, Findon Parish Council